Your trusted lawyer
As my client you entrust me with personal and very private information.
From experience I am aware that honesty and transparency on both sides are particularly important here.
If we trust one another, you can have confidence that we will achieve the best outcome for you.
Committed to your rights
Particularly in criminal law and with the law governing foreign nationals, there is a lot at stake for our clients – often even their existence.
So it goes without saying that I will champion your rights with passion and idealism.
Personal advice and support
My clients know that I am always available to listen to their concerns and difficulties.
I will show you the best and most appropriate way to resolve your problems.
And I always keep you up to date, even outside office hours.
A bit about me and my professional background
Professional steps
- 2016 Marriage and renaming of the law firm to Kanzlei Chiarelli.
- 2010 Founding of the law firm Kanzlei Odebralski.
- 2007-2009 Lawyer at the prestigious national criminal law defence firm Peter Schwarzhoff in Dortmund. Extensive experience in handling criminal law clients and cases involving the law governing foreign nationals.
- 2004 – 2006 Second state law examination and legal internship at the district court for the region of Arnsberg.
- 2004 First state law examination at Cologne University.
- 1999 – 2004 Studied law at Philipps University Marburg, subsequently transferred to Cologne University.
- 1998 – 1999 After completing school, spent one year in the USA, in Boston. During that stay, attended courses at the prestigious Harvard University in Cambridge.
- Qualified “Specialist criminal lawyer”
Your concerns are important to me!
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9 am – 6 pm
Appointments can also always be arranged outside these office hours. In emergencies, such as being arrested, detained or searched, please use our emergency contact number +49 (0) 151 – 16 54 57 81.