Criminal law
Anyone who has ever been the accused in a criminal case will know how quickly feelings of insecurity and fear can crop up when faced with a summons for interrogation, a house search warrant or even an arrest.
When dealing with the police, the public prosecutor’s office or the courts, as an “ordinary citizen” it is difficult to assess what is expected of you and what rights you have.
Or perhaps you are just uncertain about whether you are going to be dragged before a court under a criminal offense and perhaps you would like to have access to legal counsel. There are many different ways of dealing with criminal law issues.
However, in almost all cases, quick advocacy and advice are crucial!
I am active in criminal law matters in the following areas:
Law concerning foreigners
Germany is a popular destination for people from all over the world. Many people want to come to Germany, either to live here permanently or just for a certain period of time (temporary stay). Nevertheless, given the sharp rise in crisis-related immigration in recent years, the regulations of the German authorities are becoming increasingly more stringent.
Verified resident status is an essential that many need to be able to stay in the Federal Republic of Germany. This is where problems often arise. For example, anger and frustration with the German Department for Foreigners or the German embassy abroad can lead people to give up hope and back down. In the worst cases, individual avoid any contact with the public authorities – which usually only aggravates the problem further.
In order to iron out any possible uncertainties with regards to the resident status, as quickly as possible, prompt and trustworthy co-operation between a lawyer and the client is a must. Experience in handling these affairs as well as negotiation skills for dealing with the German Department for Foreigners or the German embassy abroad are required.
I am here to represent you before the German authorities, at home and abroad, as well as before the courts in all matters relating your residency status.
I have already helped many people secure their future in Germany.
As lawyer with a specialism in the law affecting foreigners, I am able to help you in the following areas:
Family law
What many do not know: Issues relating to family law issues are of great importance when it comes to the law regarding foreigners.
For example, in my practice, I am often confronted with the question of whether a divorce is a problem or whether it could threaten the foreign individual’s claims. The decisive factor here is, above all, to clarify whether an autonomous right to residence has already been acquired.
A lack of contact with the children living with another parent or the question of the right to care are important aspects in the law concerning foreigners – and it can be the deciding factor on whether the individual should have their residence permit for Germany withdraw or delayed.
Nothing is more devastating than losing a residence permit because of insufficient care for one’s own children.
Or you may have been deported, but you still have children or family members in Germany and may need help with re-entering the country.
The family is particularly important when it comes to the law regarding foreigners in Germany. It is always a challenge, but you do have the right to do bring this up against the German department for foreigners or a German Embassy abroad.
I’m happy to be of service!
And I am also active in family law in the following areas:
Your concerns are important to me!
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9 am – 6 pm
Appointments can also always be arranged outside these office hours. In emergencies, such as being arrested, detained or searched, please use our emergency contact number +49 (0) 151 – 16 54 57 81.